Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Charlotte 2014

I am speaking at the Charlotte SharePoint Saturday 2014 event this Saturday.  Below is my abstract and slide deck if you are interested.  If you are a reader of my blog and are going to the event, please stop by and say hello.

Session Title:  Unwrapping the Black Box: Advanced SharePoint Troubleshooting and Forensics

Session Topic:  SharePoint can often feel like a black box, and with little to no knowledge of internal workings, troubleshooting can be daunting. In this session, I remind you that SharePoint is nothing more than ASP.NET Web Forms and apply some of the same troubleshooting techniques to get you out of the dark. I will also delve into some SharePoint specific tools and demonstrate actual errors and troubleshooting where the resolution requires reading Microsoft SharePoint code.


  • Internet Explorer F12 Developer Tools
  • Fiddler2
  • Developer Dashboard
  • ULS Viewer
  • SharePoint Manager
  • Reflector/ILSpy
  • SQL Profiler

Click here for the presentation including embedded videos of demos and scenarios.

Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Charlotte

I am speaking at the Charlotte SharePoint Saturday event tomorrow.  Below is my abstract and slide deck if you are interested.  If you are a reader of my blog and are going to the event, please stop by and say hello.

Session Title:  Skanska’s Partner Portal and External Document Management System

Session Summary:  Skanska needed a single, consistent place for all project teams to access the important tools they needed on a day to day basis.  A project document management system which allowed internal and external collaboration and an easy to use landing page were keys to success.

Session Topic:  Allowing users to find tools and documents they need to get their job done can be difficult in an enterprise where every project team has different needs and requirements.  Skanska accomplished this by creating a site template which had easy to use links to different enterprise tools and created an effective project document management system where both external and internal parties contributed content.  We will be demoing an early release product while discussing the following pieces of functionality:

  • Managed Metadata
  • Content types and the syndication hub
  • Content Organizer
  • SkyDrive Pro
  • Email enabled lists and libraries
  • Custom Solutions
    • Metadata Based Security
    • Batch Edit (Codeplex)
    • Download as a Zip

Here is the link to the presentation.