XBOX 360

So my parents were able to find an XBOX 360 to give me for Christmas. Here’s how it went down. They’d been checking best buy and other gaming places with no luck. On the 23rd of Dec. my dad went to Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem to get some things. He stopped by at several gaming places in the mall and one said their next shipment was in January, the other said April. But one of the places informed my dad that Sears, Toys R Us and Best Buy all received shipments recently. My dad went to sears and they said that they sold out in an hour and a half YESTERDAY. So my dad decided to go to Best Buy thinking that it opened at 10 he’d get there a little before it opened and maybe be able to get one. He gets to Best Buy and they are aready open (holiday hours) and my dad walks in and walks up to the XBOX 360 table near the front door and asks when they will receive their next shipment. They said they have one, it’s the LAST ONE. So my dad was able to get the last XBOX 360 console system (not the core system) at the Best Buy in Winston-Salem, 2 days before Christmas.

Check out my status in the games i’m playing below.

Viewing SharePoint Webparts in Frontpage

I’ve recently been developing a lot of web parts for SharePoint at work. According to the Microsoft best practices for web part development they suggest you implement the IDesignTimeHtmlProvider interface. This means you need to implement a function called GetDesignTimeHtml(). This allows you to define the html output to display when editing a sharepoint page in frontpage editor. A lot of web parts I have downloaded on the web don’t seem to implement this because they show up in frontpage saying “The Preview for this Web Part is not available”. I also had a hard time implementing this since the GetDesignTimeHtml expects a string of html and when using webparts you are rendering user controls lots of times. I finally found an easy way to render almost any webpart in frontpage.


public virtual string GetDesignTimeHtml()
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
    catch(Exception e)
        sw.Write(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
    return sw.ToString();


Basically in this function you will need to call any other functions/events that normally get called in the webpart execution (such as CreateChildControls). Then using the htmltextwriter and string writer you can output the html that would be rendered. I included the try catch so I can see the errors that are displayed when trying to render a webpart in frontpage. When in production you should probably remove the try catch so the end user sees a more friendly error message.

Something I did notice was frontpage seems to run the page in a different context than the page is normally rendered. This means that when I was trying to access Page.User.Identity.Name I got an error in frontpage. So I had to use the SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context).CurrentUser.LoginName instead. I also noticed that because frontpage loads it in a different context that when loading an Itemplate from an external ascx file, I got the error saying “The virtual path” and then whatever the path is to my ascx file “maps to another application, which is not allowed”.